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    Kritika Kamra: I don’t know what is the big deal in a kiss


    The gorgeous and bubbly diva talks about life on the other side of the table – from celebrity to reporter

    Kritika Kamra is the perfect example of beauty with brains. She seems like a people pleaser but in reality she is quite frank when she has to be and that’s what I love about her. She has a great sense of fashion that is her own and not inspired from anyone, but most often she prefers ‘the sans’ make- up look. Kritika is extremely selective of her work, which is why when she comes back with a new show; it is always very different from what she has already done before. In a candid chat with us, Kritika spoke about her new show Reporters, the role media plays in her life and about her Perfectionist co-stars, Rajeev Khandelwal. Read the excerpts…
    Who decided the ‘specy look’ of yours in the show?
    I just wore it one day on shoot, Goldie (Behl) sir saw it and said it very cool and that I should use it in the show. So you will see me sporting spectacles on and off in Reporters.
    How important a role has media played in your life?
    I think they play a very important role. In every actor’s life media is what makes you or breaks you. Over the years, I have made several friends in the media some I meet on a regular basis. People learn about my characters through my work but media is the reason people know the real Kritika Kamra.
    You’ve taken a long break after Kuch Toh Log Kahenge. What restrains you from doing shows on a regular basis?
    I believe in quality not quantity. I don’t want people to get bored seeing my face every day. And If I don’t take that break to do different things in life then I’ll get bored too. I need to keep reinventing. When you do a daily soap, you have to give it a long commitment, you work for almost 12-14 hours on the sets, unless I am excited about the show, how will I be able to do that?
    Now that you are on the other side of the table as a Reporter, how okay is it to be intrusive in someone’s personal life?
    Celebrity or not, everyone is entitled to have a personal life, but being a reporter now and otherwise I have come to terms that it happens, people have to get or create news. This is part of the game. I have learnt to deal with it, but something I still don’t agree with.
    How nervous are you about playing Ananya Kashyap?
    I am usually never nervous before a show, but this one is different. Journalists normally are very critical of your work and I am now playing one of them. So it is kinda scary. If they think something is not authentic then it means we are not doing well. I know every journalist will look at this show like that only. So I am hoping they are all a little lenient with the show.
    Have you modelled your character after any one in particular?
    No I did not. This is not a biopic so I didn’t really have to look into someone’s life that closely. I did not try to ape anyone personally also because I wanted people to accept Ananya Kashyap as reporter. Today journalists are nothing short of celebrities themselves. Everyone knows their style of reading news or making an ending, or their clothes. I really want the character to be something like that, completely original. I don’t want to be a ‘me too’.
    What beat will Ananya Kashyap cover?
    She will handle politics and social ‘coz that is her passion. When you see the first few episodes it will be clear.
    How much into politics are you personally?
    I follow political news diligently, since I am very active on twitter; whether you like it or not you will come to know what is going on. I am very interested in current affairs.
    What do you think about restrictions put on reporters?
    I am not a fan of censorship as such or of bans, but we all need selfcensorship within us. There are certain work ethics you need in every profession be it acting or journalism. If as an actor today I misbehave on the sets or try to throw my weight around, I may not be thrown out of the show, but tomorrow no one will want to work with me again.
    Will the show focus more on yellow journalism ‘coz everything seems much glamourised from the trailer we’ve seen so far?
    See we are not trying to pass any kind of social message with this show. It is the story of the people and what happens inside a news studio. We will be taking cases but the show is not going to be about them; it will be more about how those cases affect us in our personal and professional life. It is not going to be an episodic show. You will get to see all our takes on it. As for the glamour bit I think news is fairly glamourous nowadays.
    What myths about journalism were broken after you took up the show?
    I did spend a few hours in a real news studio and learned how you take news, give the headline, and do voice overs, the edits. In fact I came to know what a beat is after I took up the show. I always wondered why news was always so sensationalised but now I realise that it is a cut throat industry, where you have to be more impactful than the other.
    What was the whole idea behind doing the kiss and slap promo of Reporters?
    In 30 seconds you have to convey your message. Like you make headlines catchy so people read it, we made a promo that was edgy and which would talk about our show with an attitude. The two day controversy around the kiss and slap was to get the promo across which came out two days later. We had no idea it would trend and people would start talking about it on twitter, I was following the live feed. If you forget a promo what is the point of doing it.
    Were you awkward with the whole kiss, considering this was your first onscreen kiss?
    No, not at all. My first question when the scene was narrated to me was if it was possible to do it. With so much censorship going around it was a valid question. Kiss is a very overrated thing on television. It is a very common thing in cinema and in life, I don’t know what is the big hullaballoo over it, what’s the big deal in it?
    What do you think of your co-star Rajeev Khandelwal?
    I have watched his films, and shows he is my father’s favourite. He is a perfectionist… it is a luxury to work with someone who helps me elevate my performance

