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    Karan Patel – Ankita Bhargava marriage turmoil rumours: The inside story!


    When Karan Patel announced that he was going to marry Ankita Bhargava in March last year, people were taken by surprise. It was not unexpected since he was reportedly in a relationship with Kamya Punjabi for almost a year. Though they did not admit to their relationship, everyone seemed to know that they were a couple. Ankita and Karan got hitched in May 2015 and stories of their relationship falling apart are doing the rounds. Insiders claim the two have a lot of differences over a number of issues. However, one of the main reasons is Karan’s reluctance to let Ankita take on new projects. Her last show was Reporters. She has not done any shows post that. This miffed her to some extent and the troubles began.
    Another major issue is Karan’s socialising sans her. Apparently, he is hardly home and heads straight to meet friends post shoots. This has reportedly upset the lady who wants to spend quality time with her husband. Though she is quite cool with her husband’s socialising, his indifference towards her has upset her. The news of him allegedly gate-crashing Kamya Punjabi’s  party in a drunken state did not help either. She has confided her troubles to a few close friends but wants to give her husband a second chance. Karan, too, is aware of her grievances and wants to mend matters. However, with news of their troubles coming out, they two have united to put up a brave face.

    Watch the couple’s romantic dance during their sangeet ceremony!

