After Sanaya Irani injured her ribcage in the first week of ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Reloaded’, Shamita Shetty has fractured her nasal bone while rehearsing for her dance act. The news was broken on Twitter by Shamita’s celebrity sister Shilpa.
"Terrible news with @ShamitaShetty having a freak accident @Jhalak dikhlaja rehearsals .Nasal fracture n a couple stitches,” Shilpa tweeted about the accident.
Shamita has been asked by the doctor to rest for two weeks to allow her nose to heal properly. However, the spirited 36-year-old actress is ready to risk her well-being by opting to perform on the Jhalak.. stage for the sake of the love her fans have showered on her.
We hope her quick recovery from the injury.