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    9 Things you did not know about Asha Negi and Rithvik Dhanjani’s love story


    Ever since Asha Negi and Rithvik Dhanjani started dating their fans have been going crazy about them. They are most lovingly called AshVik on most social networking sites

    9 things that we dont know about them are quite fascinating, catch them below

    1.Rithvik was the first one to feel the spark between him and Asha.
    2.In spite of passing several hints to Asha, the actress didn’t realise what Rithvik was hinting at.
    3.Rithvik was very pleased to read the first link up rumour between him and Asha in the papers.
    4.He proposed to Asha first but it was very casual and something he said in the passing.
    5.That was the first time Asha understood about Rithvik’s feelings.
    6.Before they could official become a couple, Asha saw Rithvik with another actresses and doubted his intentions.
    7.Rithvik did not like the fact that Balaji Telefilms had roped in Shakti Arora – another hero opposite Asha.
    8.During a particular sequence where Asha had to slap Rithvik, the actress just couldn’t do it. Rithvik instigates her and she actually slaps him with full force.
    9.Rithvik and Asha officially came together before their first on stage performance.

