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    3 Things About Roopal Tyagi That Only her Close Friends Would Know!


    The feisty Gunjan aka Roopal Tyagi of Zee TV’s ‘Sapne Suhaane Ladakpan Ke’ shares three of her lesser known facts with Pinkvilla.com. Check out.
    FOR THE LOVE OF IT - Besides acting and dancing, Roopal loves cooking and traveling. In her own words, “travelling opens up your mind; as does cooking. Both are therapeutic.” She further adds, I am too scared to cook for my friends. But I have cooked for my family, and they’ve loved it.”
     GROOMS WANTED - Roopal is seeking an educated and smart husband for herself. For her, looks don’t matter much. “I can’t spend time with self-obsessed boys,” she says, adding, “especially the ones who workout too much and spend time in front of the mirror more than I do.”

     A DADDY’S GIRL - Roopal’s dad is her strength and weakness, both. “Thankfully, he has supported me in every way possible. I share everything with my family,” she says.

    source: pinkvilla

